Trump’s Authentic Anger Versus Kamala’s Phony Joy

Authored by Noel Williams via,

Harris’s handlers try to portray her as joyful, and Trump as angry. 

How dumb can they be?  How dumb do they think we are? 

Harris’s supposed joy is sickeningly fake, but Trump’s anger is righteous.

Emotions of anger are often viewed negatively; in fact, change agents often experience anger, and they are also optimistic.  Those traits are not mutually exclusive, but often mutually dependent.  Indeed, angry people are often more optimistic. 

Trump is well known for his negotiating strategies; his book The Art of the Deal is a bestseller — multiple times.  Well, it turns out that anger can also be a shrewd negotiating strategy.  As this research indicates, “Viewing angry negotiators as formidable opponents, we respond to their demands by making concessions.”

In addition to being more optimistic and stimulating formidable negotiating tactics, anger is, when channeled constructively, a motivating force.

So if Trump is angry, according to Harris, then bring it on! 

Optimism, strength in negotiations, and motivation are what America needs right now.

What we don’t need is another village idiot in the White House.  They can be mistaken as “joyful,” but that’s just a case of ignorance being bliss.  How dumb do they think we are?

Our Founders were angry at times.  They were also motivated and optimistic, though Benjamin Franklin intimated some concern about the fragility of republics. 

In reply to a question about what the constitutional delegates had crafted, he said: 

“A republic, if you can keep it.” 

Keeping a representative republic sometimes requires anger, and its accompanying traits, rather than wanton, incongruous joy.

Given the anti-American policies and anti-republic demagoguery the disdainful Dems have wrought, we need some authentic anger to restore American exceptionalism. We need some grit and passion to assert our rightful place as the last great hope of Earth.  We need an “angry” negotiator like Trump to keep our republic, and that’s an optimistic and motivational point of view. 

The current village idiot in the White House is angry, but without the positive synergetic traits; for the sake of our republic, we don’t want to replace him with a “joyful” village idiot. To play on the clarion call from the great Patrick Henry: Give me liberty, or give me joy.  The latter could be the death knell of our great republic.   

Harris’s fake joy is a euphemism for blissful ignorance.  She can’t stand alone, so the Dem and MSM apparatus are propping her up, but we are not as dumb as their joyless village idiot. How dumb can they be? 


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