What Happened To The 25th Amendment?

What Happened To The 25th Amendment?

Authored by Michael Thielen via RealClearPolitics.com,

Why are we still asked to pretend Joe Biden is running the country? Every time he shows his face, he reminds the American people how much his cognition has declined and how he can’t be trusted to finish a speech or remember which foreign leader he’s introducing, let alone manage the daily affairs of running the country. 

The man was forced to bow out of his campaign after he embarrassed the national press corps and Democratic Party elites during his disastrous debate against Donald Trump in June. 

But Democrats and political operatives in the corporate media aren’t as concerned about Biden making us an international laughingstock until Jan. 20, 2025.

On Sept. 20, after not holding a Cabinet meeting for an entire year, Biden gave brief opening remarks and then made the unprecedented move to hand the reins over to his wife, leaving the world asking, “Who’s in charge here, again?”

The next day, during a summit with the prime ministers of Japan, Australia, and India, Biden forgot the name of Indian PM Narendra Modi. An awkward moment ensued as Biden stood at the podium, confused and waiting to be told what to do next, while the world leaders patiently sat silent.

These are not old stories dredged up for political gamesmanship. The American people are being subjected to ongoing embarrassment and questions as to who is running our country.

We cannot allow the Democratic Party to get away with this subterfuge after putting America in the very dangerous position of lying about the mental and physical state of the man supposedly sitting behind the Resolute Desk.

At least about that part, they aren’t even pretending anymore, publicly subjecting Biden to the literal kids’ table.

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) said of his primary challenge after the house of cards was exposed on the debate stage in June, “If this has been vindication, vindication has never been so unfulfilling. I’m deeply disappointed in a political system that has resulted in this dynamic we now face.” 

After more than a year of waging lawfare against any potential rival to Joe Biden’s candidacy, including Phillips, Cornell West, Jill Stein, RFK Jr., and, of course, Donald Trump, the Democratic powers-that-be settled on Kamala Harris, who received no votes for president and was considered dead weight by many party faithful earlier this year. 

In doing so, Democratic elites threw 14 million Democratic primary votes right in the garbage after knowingly concealing Biden’s condition to prevent the exact scenario we now find ourselves in.

Remember when we were given a constant civics lesson about the 25th Amendment to remove a president if he was deemed incapable of handling the duties of the Oval Office? 

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the corporate mass media couldn’t stop talking about invoking the 25th when Donald Trump was president but are trying to gaslight the American people that Joe Biden can manage things for the next four months.

The vast majority of Americans no longer trust that Joe Biden can represent us on the world stage – he can’t even represent his party on a debate stage – but the Democratic donor class can’t afford to officially remove Biden and leave Kamala holding the bag on Biden-Harris administration policies she’s trying to run away from.

The fact that Donald Trump and Republican voters should be outraged goes without saying. The 2024 election terms were torn apart, like Nancy Pelosi did to her copy of Trump’s State of the Union. 

But Democratic voters should also be outraged. Their party elites rigged the primary, so they had no choice other than Joe Biden, only to throw out their votes in favor of someone no one wanted, who’s now picked as her running mate another far-left politician no one knows. 

Even the corporate media should be outraged. They’re expected to carry water for a presidential candidate who is trying to waltz into the highest office in the land without holding live press briefings to face their questions.

Just who is making decisions on a day-to-day basis that affect Americans’ ability to buy groceries, put gas in their car, or keep their family safe from illegal immigrant criminals taking over whole communities?

Americans need to remember the colossal dishonesty of the Democratic party to the voting public when they go to the polls, which are now open in some states.

Mon, 09/30/2024 – 12:25

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