Chaos As Cover

Chaos As Cover

Authored by T.L.Davis via Substack,

If you’re looking toward this election as anything other than a trigger event, you’re missing the point. It doesn’t even matter who wins in respect to your preparedness. Contact with the enemy is ensured either way. There is no peaceful path other than total and complete compliance; abandoning any hope for the future of the republic and human rights.

As LTC Steven Murray put it in a recent video, this vote is not like any other, it is the last act of a civilized man participating in a civilized act simply to erase the last vestige of responsibility before becoming absolutely ungovernable. The goal is to make the communists exert every effort to overcome the popularity and vote count to arrive at a Kamala win. The harder they have to work the more careless they become and the more eyes open as to the real status of the coup.

Where Trump would have to be inaugurated before implementing any of his policies, Kamala could start immediately, bypassing the ordinary transition, because all of her secretaries and sychophants would already be in place. They would basically be those of Barack Obama’s fourth term, anyway. She will then be able to go to sleep like Joe and let them run it all, but with much strengthened zeal toward the outright denigration of the population.

If you think Trump and his MAGA minions were attacked and brutalized under sleepy Joe, you can’t even imagine the level of hostility to be brought against them post November 5th. Should Trump win; by some massive failure of the left, or “too big to rig” actual overwhelming of the ballot box, it will probably be a short-lived victory for he will become target number one of every crackpot and government agency goon in the current administration. They’ve already proved they can coordinate nut jobs with lax security to produce the desired effect. Times that by 1000 and you might understand the situation accurately. With all of these crackpots and enemy agents activated post election, it will be something to awaken even more and importantly, expose those law enforcement agencies already on the wrong side of the republic.

It is an election of no serious consequence as to the future. It is bleak no matter how one turns it, but this is why I encourage the masses to vote, to absolve themselves of the slightest hesitance toward self-defense. It is simply a question of willing surrender or fight from this point on and the vote is the first act of willingness to fight those terrible odds.

I say this not to be inflammatory or hyperbolic, I think the sense of many are starting to realize there’s no help coming from any of the traditional sources. Tennessee and North Carolina can attest to how they are held in contempt and even hostile esteem by the federal government, punishment for not backing Harris.

This is how it goes, your state either resists and blocks federal action or they submit willingly to it. One must be in one of the states that resist and blocks or the fight will be much harder and nearly impossible to win. What I mean by “win” is to survive it.

This is no longer a long-range forecast, there’s a little over a month to the election, i.e., trigger point. The facts might come clear even before that, or WWIII, but at least then if not sooner. In my estimation, this is the time to start putting plans into place, if for no other reason than the dock strike is probably to keep last minute preparations from being completed. I’m not at the hunker-down stage yet, simply by virtue of my location, but if I were inner-city or local to a large population center, I would have a different outlook. Going to work, would be more of a day to day decision.

The two prongs are individual survivability and survivability of those I hold dear. All decisions are weighed against one or the other. Fortunately for us, we have been able to move our jobs to remote status and so work is no longer a question of the journey as survivable or not as we move into this volatile stage of the crumbling republic. Tomorrow the conflict begins, in my mind, with the strike, the squeezing and softening of the resistance to the regime, the breaking of the spirit, the restraint of goods, the civilians at war with each other to spread the chaos they seek.

This signifies the time to rise, to take advantage of their efforts toward chaos for their purposes and to use it against them. Chaos is the cover action for necessary deeds.

Tue, 10/01/2024 – 16:20

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