Hypocrisy: Leftist Media Warns Trump May Use Lawfare Against Democrat Opposition

Hypocrisy: Leftist Media Warns Trump May Use Lawfare Against Democrat Opposition

Many conservatives remember back in May of this year when the announcement hit the news feeds that Donald Trump was found guilty by a New York court of 34 “felony” charges related to the Stormy Daniels hush money case.  The charges claimed that this was approximate to “election interference” and NY prosecutors used legal wrangling in what would have been a misdemeanor case to create a felony case from thin air.  

“This was a rigged, disgraceful trial,” Trump told reporters after leaving the courtroom. “The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5th by the people. They know what happened, and everyone knows what happened here.” 

The conviction could be considered the peak of a long and unprecedented agenda of “lawfare” waged by the Democratic Party in an effort to remove Trump from the 2024 election race before voters ever get a chance to cast a ballot.  The leftist cheers were resounding; they thought they had the White House in the bag.

At the time, numerous progressive journalists published article’s listing all the ways in which the conviction would end Trump’s political career.  None of them questioned the validity of the charges and how they were brought, nor did any of them question the obvious political motives behind turning a misdemeanor charge into a felony charge.  What they did admit to was the intent to use the label “convicted felon” as much as possible during the campaign cycle. 

Of course, the Supreme Court poured ice water on the DNC party when they determined Trump’s presidential immunity precluded him from the charges in question.  It is unlikely that any of the cases brought by Democrats against Trump in the past few years will have any bearing on the election.  Hypocritically, the media is now warning that Trump might use the Department of Justice as a weapon against his Democrat opponents should he win the Oval Office in November. 

Politico writes in a recent article titled ‘The Coming Trump Revenge Tour’:

“Trump has campaigned on a wave of retaliatory criminal prosecutions. It’s not the first time he’s promised to lock up his rivals — but a second term would be different…”

“Trump has been through the legal wringer in the last year-and-a-half and will want payback. He’s a convicted criminal and still faces trials that could send him to prison, and he’s not likely to forget all about that even if his legal troubles essentially disappear once he reaches the White House. He could easily wreak havoc with many of his political opponents’ lives simply by subjecting them to long, costly and highly disruptive criminal investigations and prosecutions…”

“…Even if the effort failed to produce any real convictions, the process itself would be a form of punishment for the targets. It could also seriously erode public faith in the federal criminal justice system while chilling political opposition to Trump.”

The Washington Post in a recent Op-Ed titled ‘Trump’s Promise To Exact Revenge Won’t Be Hindered By Mere Laws’, they argue that Trump will go beyond lawfare and enact a full -blown police state:

“The idea of justice as being blind never seems to have appealed to Trump, any more than does the idea of an independent federal bureaucracy. In each case, he’d rather have the apparatus of power deployed in the way he wishes without constraint…”

“This is the entire point of the justice system: to work slowly in an effort to avoid mistakes before then bringing the weight of government power to bear. Trump, seemingly like many Americans, appears to believe that it is somehow weak. That removing prejudices in an effort to effect justice evenly means that too many criminals go unpunished…”

The disconnect leftists have from their own behavior is alarming. These are the same people that rushed to judgement on the Russian collusion allegations and the Steele Dossier, declaring Trump a traitor and foreign agent.  The dossier was debunked and the allegations found fraudulent.  They are also the same people that spent over two years trying to enforce unconstitutional mandates and economic lockdowns on the American public during the covid pandemic.  Nearly all of those mandates were found to be useless.

Are Democrats suddenly realizing that after years of encouraging race riots, encouraging leftist mobs to target conservative politicians and Supreme Court judges, subverting individual liberties in the name of public health, colluding with Big Tech companies to censor millions of Americans in violation of their 1st Amendment rights, using the legal apparatus as a weapon against their primary political adversary and promoting the idea of assassination which led to two separate attempts on Donald Trump’s life, they might be due for some payback?

Perhaps the great fear that leftists seem to harbor over the return of Donald Trump is not due to his supposed “racism” or “fascism.”  Maybe they are afraid of Trump because they fear Karma. 

Tue, 10/01/2024 – 19:40

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